What is philosophical consulting/counselling?
Philosophical consulting, sometimes known as philosophical counselling, uses the tools of philosophy to help people deal with the problems they face in life. Life is full of challenges, confusions and changes, and we often struggle to cope with them. A philosophical consultant can help in understanding and overcoming these difficulties.
Some of the issues that a philosophical consultant can assist with include:
A lack of meaning and purpose
Confusion about career/life direction
Ethical dilemmas
Job loss and problems with coworkers
Friend and family feuds
Personal change and growth
Falling in or out of love
Becoming a parent
Breakups and divorce
Midlife, aging or end of life issues
Loss of a loved one
And many more...
Philosophical consultants help people to unravel the underlying thinking behind a problem and find ways to remedy it through critical thinking, sound logic and practical wisdom. They can also assist anyone wishing to find more meaning and purpose in life and reach higher levels of happiness.