These classes introduce philosophical questions to children of all ages and provide the support and interactive environment to explore them. Some of these questions are, “What’s fair?” – “Am I the same person as I was last year?” – “What is a good life?” Through thinking and talking about these questions children can develop:
- Critical and creative thinking
- Problem solving and decision making
- Independence and confidence
- Communication and teamwork
- A thirst for learning
In today’s world, these skills are so important. The young are faced with big issues such as global warming and are exposed to an overabundance of information and hidden messaging via the internet. To navigate this new world, the young need to develop the independence to think for themselves, the critical mind to decipher right from wrong, wisdom from folly, and the creative thinking to come up with solutions to the challenges they face. Philosophical reasoning and discussion provide the conditions and support for these skills to be developed.
In addition, there is evidence that suggests that teaching philosophy to children can enhance their learning in other academic areas. It is linked to improvement in reading, mathematics, general cognitive abilities and a positive learning attitude. For more information visit The Institute for the Advancement of Philosophy for Children.
My philosophy classes are based on the approach developed by the Philosophy Foundation in the UK. This approach integrates games and storytelling into the classes as a way to stimulate philosophical investigation. It does not teach about philosophy but helps children do philosophy.
If you would like before or after school philosophy classes at your child’s school, please get in touch!